domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Oncoming sort-of-reviews...

Next in line for their sort-of-revie treatment would have to be two under-appreciated gems:

The first is a movie very dear to my heart that didn't quite get the appreciation it deserved. It is no more and no less than Miss Bala, which chronicles the insane descent of a 23-year-old young woman into the merciless fuck-your-world domain of drug trafficking in México--and all because of one fucking beauty pageant.

The other would have to be the hectic noir parody in Blood and Concrete: A Love Story, and one of the most criminally-still-mostly-unknown pieces of cinema about losers ever made. Ever.

It may take a while, because I'm busy and don't wnt either of those to be total shit, but, sit tight 'cause they coming... ...whomever you are, one person without anything else to do than hang around here...

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